Thursday, August 26, 2010

Slice of life:SNAKES

well, I have entirely too many snake stories....which to tell? do I talk about feeding king cobras in our front yard in Malaysia? or about nearly stepping on a slithering friend there? or maybe about keeping the Cotton mouth snake out of the daycare I worked at and yet on the proprty so it could be captured? or about shooing a snake out of the daycare in the early hours of the morning? or about...? see? so many stories to tell... I think I one I like best for this post is the fun one.
( I know Texasblu your thinking "fun one?")
When we lived in Kuala Lumpur (KL) our house was in front of a piece of jungle that was surrounded by our house and several others in such a way that is would never (easily) be able to have a house in it. Across the street was a large area of jungle so our yard was the highway to and from these two bits of jungle. This highway saw all sorts of traffic...monitor lizards( HUGE ONES) were constantly moving through as were monkeys, birds, reptiles off shapes and sizes and KING COBRAS. I remember playing with friends and we spotted a king cobra, we decided the smart ( read fun/dangerous) thing to do would be to go capture a frog and bring it to the snake to see if it was hungry. SO one of us ( not me but not remembering who) watched the snake while the rest searched and found a suitable frog to sacrifice. ☺ Once we found it we took it over to the snake and placed it close enough for the snake to grab and eat if it was hungry. sometimes the snake wasnot hungry ( yes we did this more than once) but I remember one time when it was and it was the COOLEST thing to watch thesnake strike, pull the frog in and dislocate its jaw and then very slowly move thefrog down its body.
Disclaimer here: I have the utmost respect for nature and as long as it stays in nature we are all happy but once a snake or any other wild thing comes into my territory I will be ridding my space of it. I don't believe that snakes make good pets so don't anyone ever give me one K? this is a slice of life post

go check out the other snake stories


Pirate Princess said...

I wish you could see the look of horror on my face. *shudder* :D

LOVE the disclaimer there - I totally agree... Redbeard, sadly, does not. He thinks they're playthings, and enjoys bringing them home to hopefully get me over my skittishness of them. So far, it ain't happened. ;)

That's a great post btw - learned a lot about you I didn't know. :)

FranE said...

Your post is such a great memory. Love the disclaimer. Right there with you.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

Seriously I don't think I would have found that cool at any age :P

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your memory of KL where I live. How are you? I have just browsed your latest message.
I think you have grown to be a brave lady! Keep up your good write-up.
Lots of memories,